Where Can I Find Body Confidence Wellness?

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Richmond, England, United Kingdom

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+44 78 1176 3226

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Body Confidence Wellness





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Justine welcomes you to Body Confidence Wellness, where you can find coaching, fitness, and products to improve body confidence and wellbeing. In 2020, everyone had to make changes to their work, lifestyle, and relationships due to the pandemic. These changes have had both positive and negative effects on our wellbeing. Justine believes that we all need support right now, and her previous experience led her to create Body Confidence Wellness. She offers coaching packages for women to improve body confidence and wellbeing. In addition, there are online exercise sessions in a safe and enjoyable environment. What could be safer and more fun than exercising at home? Justine has 5 years of experience as the owner and manager of a Curves, Fitness for Women franchise. Before that, she worked as a Circuit Coach in two other Curves franchises. During that time, she worked with over 500 women and developed a passion for helping women of different ages, shapes, and abilities achieve their goals. Working at Curves taught Justine the importance of working on physical, emotional, and mental health to build confidence. When she became certified by the Institute for Body Confidence Coaching™, everything clicked into place. Her previous work and love for holistic wellbeing and helping women reach their potential led to the creation of Body Confidence Wellness. Thank you for visiting the Body Confidence Wellness website. Justine looks forward to hearing from you. Justine x

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