August 26, 2023

The Legality of CBD Edibles in the UK Explained

With the increasing popularity of cannabidiol (CBD) products, especially CBD edibles, there has been a growing interest in understanding their legal status in various countries. In the UK, CBD edibles and other CBD-infused products have gained significant attention; however, many people are still unsure about their legality. In this article, we will dive into the legality of CBD edibles in the UK and provide a clear explanation to dispel any confusion.

Understanding CBD and its Legal Status

Before delving into the legality of CBD edibles, it is important to understand what CBD is and how it differs from tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). CBD is a non-psychoactive compound extracted from the Cannabis sativa plant. Unlike THC, which is the psychoactive component of cannabis, CBD does not produce any mind-altering effects. This key distinction plays a vital role in the legal framework surrounding CBD products.

In the UK, CBD is legal as long as it meets certain criteria set by the government. The Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 classifies cannabis as a controlled substance; however, there is an exception for CBD products that comply with specific regulations. In general, CBD products must meet the following requirements to be deemed legal:

  • Contain less than 0.2% THC
  • Not marketed as a medicinal product
  • Not make any medical claims

Legal Status of CBD Edibles

When it comes to CBD edibles, the same rules and regulations apply as for other CBD products. As long as the CBD edibles meet the aforementioned criteria, they are considered legal in the UK. However, it is worth noting that the Food Standards Agency (FSA) has recently published updated guidance for businesses selling CBD as a food or supplement.

The FSA has made it clear that CBD products must undergo a novel food authorization process (unless they were already on the market before 13 February 2020) to remain legally in the UK. This means that CBD businesses need to submit a detailed application, including safety information and evidence of history of use as a food, to receive approval. The FSA emphasizes that businesses should not be selling CBD extracts or isolates as they have not been approved as novel foods.

Although the FSA's guidance provides clarity on the novel food authorization process, it has caused some confusion among CBD businesses and consumers alike. Many CBD companies have had to adapt their product offerings and packaging to comply with the new rules, resulting in changes to the CBD edibles available in the market. Consumers are advised to look for products with clear labeling indicating compliance with the regulations to ensure their legality.

The Importance of Buying CBD Edibles from Reputable Sources

Due to the lack of strict regulation, it is crucial to buy CBD edibles from reputable sources. With the growing market, some unscrupulous suppliers may try to take advantage of consumers by selling subpar or illegal products. Purchasing CBD edibles from trusted manufacturers and retailers guarantees that the products comply with legal requirements and are safe to consume.

When buying CBD edibles, consumers should look for companies that provide third-party lab testing results, as this confirms the potency and purity of the product. Additionally, reputable sources often have clear and transparent labeling, including details about the CBD content, other ingredients, and any potential allergens.


In summary, CBD edibles are legal in the UK as long as they meet specific regulations set by the government. These regulations include containing less than 0.2% THC, not being marketed as medicinal products, and refraining from making any medical claims. However, it is important to note that CBD edibles, along with all other CBD products, are required to undergo the novel food authorization process outlined by the FSA. Therefore, consumers should ensure they are purchasing CBD edibles from reputable sources that comply with the regulations to guarantee both legality and safety.